Thursday 10 November 2016

It's Been A While: October Recap.

The classic Fall photo at Nauman's

It's three in the morning. My tea is cold, and I am tired, but I feel guilty having not spent any time on my own blog in over a month. Writing, and doing social media for work is a lot of fun, but it usually allows for me to neglect my own blog. Additionally, when I think of girly topics to write about I usually end up posting them through Her Campus. Anything related to school, or work, I typically write about on Feds. It's challenging to come up with additional content for my own blog. Unless you have any suggestions? I'd love to start video blogging, but that's another story...

Ergo, I've decided to make this blog more of a personal outlet than anything else. A journal of sorts.

October was mainly; events, events, events. From Halloween party planning, to actual Halloween, to wine corking for Steph's Wedding. It was definitely a very social month. I also suffered a concussion which set me back on a lot of work. Luckily, things are better now (well minus the U.S. presidency - har, har).

Highlights of this month were teaching a dance class at Laurier, finding time to catch up with girlfriends (you know you're getting old when you'd rather sit in Smoke's chatting, than go to the bar), and the annual Halloween party.

This is definitely a brief post, but I am hoping to get back on here soon with more to say, and additional content.

Hold me to it,

Shan. xx

Everyone thought I was the Cookie Monster... I guess they didn't find Dory. 

Zayda, looking fetch, and ready for Fall. 

Autumn inspired nails.