Monday 19 December 2016

"Christmas, It's Practically Here!" - The Grinch.

Oh, 2016. It never ever ceases to amaze me how much can change in twelve months. From presidents, to pancake recipes, and everything in between. On a personal level, this has not been one of the more joyful (or triumphant) years of my young life, but I did meet a lot of really inspiring people. Although I most certainly am not proud of every decision made this year, it wasn't entirely a tragedy. I really buckled down on the school front, and have been working a lot, which has been fairly rewarding. After four terms in school I am at long last enjoying a solid three week break (BLESS).

Okay  so despite the title  this post doesn't actually have much to do with Christmas (other then it being less than week away).

School Where I live.
Where I actually live. Our "Under-The-Sea Tree".
Great Nan. Looking slick at ninety-six. 
Casually laughing at the crazy and ridiculous events of the past year. 
Snow fo-sho. 
Christmas nails. 
Baking season. 

With all of this new found time on my hands, I've started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. I always thought it was another overly dramatic, soap opera-esque T.V. show, but it's actually pretty funny and quirky (would recommend). Ergo, this post will probably be pretty brief, because I need to get back to my relentless binge watching.

At the risk of sounding super cliché, I really can't believe it is already December! What is this!? What is time!? One of my best friends is having a baby next year, and another getting married, there is so much to anticipate in 2017. I'll be back next month with details on the New Year. I've probably said it before, but I'm trying to post on here at least once a month. It's challenging though when life becomes hectic. Here's hoping 2017 allows for more blogging time.

Merry Christmas and a happy everything,

Shan. xx

Thursday 10 November 2016

It's Been A While: October Recap.

The classic Fall photo at Nauman's

It's three in the morning. My tea is cold, and I am tired, but I feel guilty having not spent any time on my own blog in over a month. Writing, and doing social media for work is a lot of fun, but it usually allows for me to neglect my own blog. Additionally, when I think of girly topics to write about I usually end up posting them through Her Campus. Anything related to school, or work, I typically write about on Feds. It's challenging to come up with additional content for my own blog. Unless you have any suggestions? I'd love to start video blogging, but that's another story...

Ergo, I've decided to make this blog more of a personal outlet than anything else. A journal of sorts.

October was mainly; events, events, events. From Halloween party planning, to actual Halloween, to wine corking for Steph's Wedding. It was definitely a very social month. I also suffered a concussion which set me back on a lot of work. Luckily, things are better now (well minus the U.S. presidency - har, har).

Highlights of this month were teaching a dance class at Laurier, finding time to catch up with girlfriends (you know you're getting old when you'd rather sit in Smoke's chatting, than go to the bar), and the annual Halloween party.

This is definitely a brief post, but I am hoping to get back on here soon with more to say, and additional content.

Hold me to it,

Shan. xx

Everyone thought I was the Cookie Monster... I guess they didn't find Dory. 

Zayda, looking fetch, and ready for Fall. 

Autumn inspired nails. 

Friday 9 September 2016

Happy Thankstermass Eve Everyone!

Thankstermass Eve? What on earth is that? Well until a couple of years ago we didn't know either. This year marked our second annual 'Happy Thankstermas Eve' family reunion. Essentially, 'Happy Thankstermas Eve' is a combination of Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, New Years Eve, and all of the birthdays.

My dad is from Sudbury, so naturally a great deal of his relatives are as well. Traveling five hours up north can be daunting - especially when the snow hits the ground. We all decided the best solution was to combine all of the holidays into one fun filled weekend together.

This years reunion took place over Labour Day weekend. When we get together things typically get quite rowdy, but we always have a fun time. I believe because we see each other so rarely we actually appreciate this time together more. To make things easier my cousins and I each took a holiday, and individually planned it.

Our weekend consisted of a family wide baseball game (among other quirky games), a Christmas gift exchange, a Thanksgiving pot luck dinner, an easter egg hunt for the kids, a new years eve party, and a birthday cake for everyone. Trying to cram all of that into one weekend gets fairly hectic, but that's half of the fun. This year the highlight was undoubtably the lip sync battles. Which were - as expected - very dramatic.

Being as this is only our second time doing this escapade both events have been fairly successful. Hopefully 'Happy Thankstermas Eve' will live on, and improve even more with time.

I am beyond grateful to have this wonderful group of people in my life. My family may be eccentric, but everyone supports each other through the good, and the bad. At the end of the weekend it is always sad to part ways, but it makes the excitement for next years reunion even greater.

Until next time,

Shan. xx

My Favourite Fall Recipe

The weather may still be reaching highs of 28 degrees, but that doesn't mean it's too early to start heating things up in the kitchen. Okay - perhaps it is a little early. I can't deny that - like most - fall is one of my favourite seasons. The colours, the fashion, and the festivities. It's all inspiring. Which is why I couldn't wait to get a head start on baking my favourite spice cake.


If you know me you probably know I am not a huge baker. However, this is one recipe I can't ignore. It is tantalizing when paired with cookie butter (which is available at most grocery stores). I just had to share this recipe with you for the season. It is a great solution to excessively sugary cakes, and is both gluten and dairy free. It's perfect for anyone with allergies. To view the full recipe from The Clean Dish please click here.

What are your favourite seasonal treats? Let me know below!

Shan. xx

Thursday 25 August 2016

Back to the Blogging Board

It sure feels GOOD to be back.

I started a blog about a year ago called 'Blog of a Blonde' which was mostly a creative outlet. Since then I have started writing for Her Campus Waterloo and the Federations of Students website at the University of Waterloo. That (among other things I like to dabble in) has been keeping me too busy to host my own blog. However, now that I've had some free time, I've decided to return to the world of blogging. It's fun to write about adventures, girly things, and whatever comes to mind. 

Currently, I am sitting in my kitchen gazing at these gorgeous flowers my moms friend gave to her, and dreaming about the future. It's been a great day so far. I hope yours is going just as well. 

More to come soon,

Shan. xx