Monday 19 December 2016

"Christmas, It's Practically Here!" - The Grinch.

Oh, 2016. It never ever ceases to amaze me how much can change in twelve months. From presidents, to pancake recipes, and everything in between. On a personal level, this has not been one of the more joyful (or triumphant) years of my young life, but I did meet a lot of really inspiring people. Although I most certainly am not proud of every decision made this year, it wasn't entirely a tragedy. I really buckled down on the school front, and have been working a lot, which has been fairly rewarding. After four terms in school I am at long last enjoying a solid three week break (BLESS).

Okay  so despite the title  this post doesn't actually have much to do with Christmas (other then it being less than week away).

School Where I live.
Where I actually live. Our "Under-The-Sea Tree".
Great Nan. Looking slick at ninety-six. 
Casually laughing at the crazy and ridiculous events of the past year. 
Snow fo-sho. 
Christmas nails. 
Baking season. 

With all of this new found time on my hands, I've started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. I always thought it was another overly dramatic, soap opera-esque T.V. show, but it's actually pretty funny and quirky (would recommend). Ergo, this post will probably be pretty brief, because I need to get back to my relentless binge watching.

At the risk of sounding super cliché, I really can't believe it is already December! What is this!? What is time!? One of my best friends is having a baby next year, and another getting married, there is so much to anticipate in 2017. I'll be back next month with details on the New Year. I've probably said it before, but I'm trying to post on here at least once a month. It's challenging though when life becomes hectic. Here's hoping 2017 allows for more blogging time.

Merry Christmas and a happy everything,

Shan. xx